Send a request for scheduling the student’s daily pickup or drop-off stops. Admin can Approve or Decline the transport request made by the guardian.In this section you will get fees master, pickup form, route, vehicle, assign vehivle, route pickup poin and student transport fees modules.
>Approve or decline the request
>Manage student pick up and drop details
>Activate or Inactivate Handover to Guardian option
>You can manage your route
>This desk help you to make your transport more easy
The Pickup Drop Request approval module allows admin to approve and decline requests for special transport scheduling changes to the student’s regular daily pickup or drop stops.
>Approve or decline the transport request
>View transport request status
The student and staff route details module allows school to manage student and staff daily pickup and drop locations details.
>Select student/staff preferred pick up and drop route
>Enter comment on the student’s transportation route
>You can track your route for the safety
>You can crete your own route here also
>Its make your travel more easy and safe
Capture daily log of vehicles running on linked routes from drivers based on their scheduled routes. The module also allows driver to enter incident occurred during the journey.In this section you will get all the information related to vehicle like vehicle number, vehicle model, year of making, registration number, chasis number, max seating capacity, driver number, driver name and driver license.
>View start and end fuel status
>View start and end fuel status
>Record incident details.